Commands In Lieu of Autosupport - Using Putty

Using PuTTY

  1. When starting PuTTY, the PuTTy Configuration window will open.
  2. Under the Session section (SSH): Enter the Host Name (or IP address). SSH and port 22 are default settings – Change if needed. PuTTY-SSH

  3. If connecting via a serial cable, use the following settings: Putty Serial Session Settings:
    • Protocol = Serial
    • Baud = 9600
    • Data Bits = 8
    • Parity = None
    • Stop Bits = 1
    • Flow Control = None

  4. Under the Logging section: Select Printable output. Enter the Log file name including path, or use Browse to select a file.
    Recommended – FilerName_Txxxxx (where Txxxxx is the engineering ticket number associated with the transaction). PuTTY-Logging

  5. Under the Window section: Set the Lines of scrollback high enough to capture all output. 999999999 (nine 9’s) is the maximum. PuTTY-Scrollback

  6. When your session is established: Copy and paste the ENTIRE list of commands from above (Commands to Run) into the command line and press Enter. The output may take a few minutes, but it will all be captured in the log file specified.
  7. Forward the log file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..